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欢迎来到《star magic》的奇幻世界!您将置身于7个不同主题类型的唯美场景中,使用您灵巧的双手,将天空中杂乱无章的破碎线条旋转,连接,最终寻找到最合适的观察点,使它们露出最真实,耀眼的一面。

- 7大主题场景,每个场景下包含多种不同的图案
- 在限定时间内完成更多的关卡,收集各种不同的图案
- 在图鉴中查看您已经收藏到的图案

Welcome to the fantasy world of "magic star"! You will find yourself in 7 different beautiful scenes, use your skillful hands, rotate, connect the broken lines in the sky, and finally find the most appropriate observation point to check the real truth.

- 7 Theme scenes, each scene contains a variety of different patterns
- Complete more levels within a limited time, collect a variety of different patterns
- Check the magic stuffs youve already acquaired in the picture book